Eligibility Criteria 

If you are a member of a victim advocacy group, you might want to join us. You can become a member of VAI if you meet the following five criteria: 

1. You are victims of serious international crimes 

It must be one of your group's goals to speak out against crimes that have happened to its members. 

2. Decision-making structure 

VAI has to know that the decisions of the group represent the wishes of its members.  

3. Information dissemination procedure 

Group members have to get regular information from the governing members. This allows them to understand and take part in decision-making.   

4. Commitment to solidarity with other victim groups 

Your group must be willing to support and connect with other victim groups worldwide.  

5. VAI membership will help your group 

We have to know that we will be useful to your group and help you to achieve things you could not do without us.  

If you don't meet the above criteria, don't worry! We might still be able to support you. Just get in touch and we’ll discuss your options.