Our Structure

Victim Advocates International is a movement by and for victims. It consists of its victim group membership base and the VAI Secretariat.  

The VAI Secretariat 

We, the VAI Secretariat, comprise a team of skilled professionals spread across eight countries all over the world. The Secretariat provides members with legal, advocacy and organisational development support – the three pillars to building a justice movement.

Instead of speaking for victims, we ensure those most affected by serious international crimes are platformed to represent their own interests. It is vital for us that victims’ voices do not get hijacked by those who work with or represent them. Victims are best placed to articulate their demands and lead their movement. We, the Secretariat, provide the technical support for this process.  

To be successful, VAI’s work requires different inputs, perspectives and backgrounds. Our global, majority-female team reflects this. We want our workforce to represent all sections of society, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.  

In providing legal services, VAI is also committed against unlawful discrimination of clients or the public.  

To ensure VAI members lead our work, we have advisory committees at the regional and global levels. These work with the Board and Executive Director. 

Learn more about the VAI Secretariat in the video below.

Our Corporate Structure 

Our corporate structure comprises three parts: 

  • A Board of Directors, 

  • A Global Advisory Committee, made up of members,

  • An Executive Director and management.  

This structure ensures strong governance and oversight. It also guarantees that collaboration plays a key role across all our work.

Advisory Committees

All victim groups that are members of VAI appoint a representative to the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC). There is a RAC for every region we're working in. 

Each RAC elects a representative to sit on the Global Advisory Committee (GAC).  

The GAC aims to ensure members are always shaping our strategic vision. The Executive Director works alongside the GAC to deliver this.  

Executive Director

The Executive Director manages the Victim Associations and VAI's International Secretariat branches. They sit on the Board of Directors with a consultative status.  

The Executive Director can only serve two four-year terms in the role. These can be consecutive or non-consecutive.  

VAI’s current Executive Director is Eva Buzo.

Our Donors

The work of Victim Advocates International would not be possible without the generous support of our donors: